If you already have a Handshake account, please add Bridgewater State University to your list of schools you work with. You will then make your job and internship listings available to us and have access to registering for career fairs and on-campus interview dates.
If you are not already using Handshake, create your company and profile. Once approved, you will be able to post your opportunities.
Jobs We Do Not Post on Handshake
Bridgewater State University does not post or promote the following types of opportunities:
- Any part-time jobs or internships that occur in private residential homes are prohibited unless the residence is legally zoned for the purpose of conducting the business.
- Employment/entrepreneurial opportunities with compensation packages requiring prospective employees to pay start-up fees, purchase a franchise, products, or services upfront.
- Opportunities based on a “pyramid” or “multi-level” type networking structure requiring/encouraging the recruitment of others who recruit others to sell products and services.
- Babysitting or other in-home jobs and/or internships where an employee would be working out of someone’s home or dwelling.
- Campus/Brand Ambassador Positions and similar roles that seek students to sell or market an organization or brand on campus are not considered full-time employment nor an academic internship. They can be posted as a part-time job and must include an hourly wage (no payment by gift cards or merchandise).
- Placement Agencies/Organizations offering unspecified opportunities to teach abroad, teach abroad agencies based outside of the United States, and those that charge for their services.
- Placement/Training Agencies or Organizations that provide training with no definitive or guaranteed job offer.
Alternatives for Posting These Roles
We do not vet or endorse any particular site, but provide these as a resource:
- BSU Guide to In-Home Learning Opportunities
- www.care.com (Childcare/Home Care, etc.)
- www.monster.com (General Job Board)
- www.snagajob.com (Hourly Work)
- www.upwork.com (Freelance Work)
- https://www.craigslist.org/about/sites (Local Jobs)
- fiverr.com