Remote and PAID Summer Internships in Television

Writing, PR, production, casting, choreography, costume, directing, music, animation – what do you want to explore in the television industry? 

Each summer, the Television Academy offers paid, eight-week, full-time internships in these areas and more for college students interested in working in television.  This is big stuff – the Television Academy manages the Emmys, and these internships take place remote with some of the top tv shows in the industry.  Included in this experience are weekly evening professional development sessions including panels with industry leaders and seminars on building your brand and navigating the complex job market.  And, once again, they are PAID! 

The application process requires a professional statement, a resume, proof of enrollment in college and a letter of recommendation.  The application will be opening in November here.   

Interested in applying?   You can do this!   We have career advisors in the Career Services and Internships Office ready to help you with this application.   Schedule an internship appointment via Handshake or by calling 508-531-1328.   

By Carol Crosby
Carol Crosby Associate Director, Life Design @BSU