A professional association is a community of individuals who choose to network with one another around a common interest. Some associations are created for a specific industry such as accounting, marketing, or social work. Other associations are created for a specific affinity/identity group such as Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native Americans. Here are the top five reasons to join a professional association:
One: Free use of their Job Board
While current students or recent alumni can often receive a discount of the association’s membership fees, often the job board on the association’s website is free for the public to use.
Two: A place to make new Networking Connections
Joining a professional association allows you to interact with the members of the association. You can email, call, video chat, and attend events with other working professionals to learn about best practices, uncover hidden job opportunities, and brainstorm solutions for current work tasks/projects.
Three: Discussion Forums and Expert Advice
Read and post questions, answers, advice, and opinions with colleagues in your industry which comprise the entire work life cycle: early career, mid-career, management, and C-Suite.
Four: Articles on Trending Topics
Access to articles written by thought leaders in the association who want to share information pertinent to the other association members. You can also write and submit your own work, including research.
Five: Discounted and/or Early Access to their Events and Conferences
Professional Associations are known for holding annual conferences or smaller and more frequent in-person gatherings for members to network face-to-face. M