Are you considering a particular career, but have questions about what a typical day is like or wondering how to break into the field? Consider connecting with BSU alumni on LinkedIn.
Begin by creating a LinkedIn profile. When your LinkedIn profile is updated and ready to share with alumni and employers, start by searching for BSU alumni by following the steps below.
- From your home screen, type in Bridgewater State University in the search bar provided at the top of the page.
- Select Bridgewater State University and click on View page.
- From the Bridgewater State University LinkedIn page, click on the Alumni tab. You now have access to nearly 50,000 BSU alumni!
- Conduct a search by keyword, position title, or company name.
Once you have found the alumni that fit your search criteria and interests, be sure to personalize your invitation(s) to connect with a note. This will increase the likelihood the individual(s) will accept your invitation. Keep in mind that you can send up to five personalized invitations a month to connect with a character limit of 200. An example of personalized invitation is: Hi Jane, I’m a sophomore at BSU considering social work as a major. I noticed that you currently work as a Social Worker at DCF. I’d like to connect to gain insight into careers in social work.
Before long, your invitation to connect should be accepted and you can start messaging the individual, with the goal of scheduling a 20-30 informational interview to learn more about the industry or career that you are considering. BSU alumni are often happy to help BSU students and fellow alumni. Good luck!
To help you get started building your LinkedIn profile, check out our LinkedIn Profile Development Checklist.